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Liberty S drone

Warnings And  Maniac's Privacy Policy

The Maniac's group  ( Maniac's Foto And Social Media Solutions)   understand the importance of privacy so we have developed a privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) to explain how we collect, use, disclose and process personal information for operating our business.

This Privacy Policy describes the practices concerning the information collected by

The Maniac's group  ( Maniac's Foto And Social Media Solutions) 

through the use of our websites, mobile applications and social media channels.

Information collected from you.

The following are examples of the types of information we may collect directly from you:

• Name: We require your name to personalize your user experience.

• Telephone number: We require your phone number for the technical provision of our Services to you.

• Email address: We use your email address to communicate with you about the products and Services we offer, responding to requests, inquiries, comments, and suggestions and updating you with information about your account.


Some of our Services use this information to facilitate your access to Maniac's websites

or mobile applications and validate your login for your security ( NOT YOUR BANK ACCOUNT CODES!)

• Photograph or photographs: You may provide us for availing our Services


• Your Finance-related information:

This website NOT collect your finance types informations, or any privat related information from you!

We severely condemn websites that do not have a fair AGB clause and force the user into all kinds of subscriptions!

Feedback: From time to time, we may request your opinions, suggestions, or modification and improvement ideas ("Feedback") through surveys, or other similar requests. Any responses you provide are voluntary, however you agree that any Feedback you provide shall be owned by Maniac's and may be used by Maniac's in its sole discretion.

Information collected by automated means ("Automated Information")

We may collect Automated Information through the use of cookies, and other technologies.

Social Media and Other Communications

We maintain a presence on several social networking and blogging platforms including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, Snap, Telegram, TikTok, WhatsApp,Youtube  and Pinterest or same sites. We may incorporate some third-party social networking features into our Services,

none of our content can be shared, no profit can be made from it, the damage caused by you will be released by a law firm that is a debt collection agency, and in your country, the official bodies will make a criminal complaint to this debt collection agency, in cases of unlawful use, piracy, fraud, and causing damage to property, which is typically punishable in the world with loss of freedom and serious financial penalties!

Other comments (AGB Addendum):

This site or its owner and any of its employees will NEVER,

in any form, ask you for your Bank Card details or your Bank Account details!!!

These are your private data, which we have nothing to do with or to do with!

The site does NOT contain any kind of secret subscription or any kind of hidden paid service!
You can NOT and DO NOT have the possibility to NOT subscribe or pay with a bank card!
Don't ask us to do that!

You can order services from us using the order form on this page and our website section (Maniacs foto business page)!

Prepayment is NOT possible!
It is NOT possible to order and pay without an invoice, you will be banned immediately and the work ordered will be cancelled,

and you will have to pay a lawyer, the result of which will be charged to you !

Payment is ONLY possible after the work is done !
Payment in cash with an invoice in your name !
Bank card with an account in your name !
Bank transfer to us with an account in your name!

The prices shown on this page are FIX prices!
No hidden costs the prices including the all works!
So you can calculate what it costs us!

We do not support Cryptocurrency!
Not in any form, not in any way!
You cannot pay with it!
You cannot pay with bank accounts and debit cards in the following countries:
China,Russia,North Korea,Cayman Islands,terrorism supporters countrys,Revolut accounts or Cryptocurrencys.

Also offshore accounts or company accounts not in your name where you are not the owner!

You cannot pay with any bonus or gift cards, Shops bonus cards, companies bonus cards, promotional cards etc.
Payment is ONLY possible in Euro!
Payment is only possible from a bank account in your own name, credit card
in Euro!


We reserve the rights to:
If you order a job... you do not cancel your order 48 hours in advance by Email,

WhatsApp, postal letter, SMS with your name, your order and your phone number,

we will release your order to the lawyer for recovery!
I can't be there, I can't pay now, it will be another time!
We don't ask for a serious reason, just that we don't work unnecessarily... that's understandable in our opinion!
Thank you if you respect this basic manners !

For these cases where, due to deviant behaviour, the customer has not indicated that his order is not current,

we request the MAXIMUM amount of compensation proportional to the order through our lawyer!

Plus you will have to pay the lawyer's fees!

We reserve the rights to:
If the customer is rude 
,is having fun, refuses to pay for the work after it has been done, is drunk,

or is mentally incompetent to refuse to do the work!The damage caused will be paid to a legal law firm Collection agency 

Our server will keep this data for the entire duration of the procedure!
Our server is protected by a multiple security server and software line defending,

where data is continuously analysed 24/7(365 days)!

The system was designed by a specialist!

In addition, we condemn child pornography, illegal drug trafficking, electronic crime in all its forms, illegal political contents makeing, and incitement to hatred writtings, whether religiously based or directed against ethnic groups!

These cases, whether received by EMAIL or illegal upload attempts to us(files or contents), will be reported immediately and without any further notice to the competent authorities !

All photos, videos and music are the property of ManiacsFoto solutions, and any use of them elsewhere will result in a criminal lawsuit! High profile and major internet crimes include attempting to upload illegal content to our server, or inciting incitement to sedition, theft, defacement, transcription of our server content, defacing our good name, conducting illegal campaigns on our behalf, distributing fake news, using any data published on our site, placing fake orders on our behalf, supporting terrorism, supporting child pornography, supporting drug and human trafficking, etc.


All cases will be prosecuted!

Dishonest sites where there is no proper T&C(AGB), be it dating sites, adult sites, illegal websites,

or just incorrect webshops. We refuse all kinds of requests!
In the case of harassment, immediate comprehensive response in justified cases, legal action for damages, and immediate involvement of international organizations! 

Automated reporting of ip adress, email adress, any data that the server's sophisticated security network finds on the unauthorized intruder/criminal, reporting to local police, reporting to local prosecutor's office, reporting to interpol cybercrime task forces, reporting !

Military related service report in special cases! In the case of a possible smear campaign against the Christian culture or Vatican, or Arab world or Israel free country that is to be carried out through our server, send a report to the police intelligence services, and to the secret intelligence service of the independent state of Israel !

Your IP Adress:

Your IP address and any contact details on the Internet will be automatically deleted at the end of each week,

with the exception of those users who are engaged in any of the illegal activities mentioned above!
In their case all data will be immediately forwarded to the official law enforcement authorities!

The IP addresses or related data of normal, ordinary users will NOT be forwarded, nor used for advertising purposes,

but will be completely deleted from the log file!

These strict measures are unfortunately taken by certain countries because of companies exploiting the loose laws,

half approved and supported by law, and our fellow human beings who are engaged in illegality!

The legal protection is provided, and there are also lawyers assigned to protect the site.

This service is NOT limited to the entire territory of the European Union!

IF you are surfing the internet from a place we find problematic political country?
We are sorry but WE CANNOT ACCEPT your viewing!



Be aware of these facts!

We will immediately report you to the authorities!

This Site Monitoring the connections!

At the moment have a partnership with a German international debt collection law agency and a Swiss debt collection law agency

Judge dredd court_edited.jpg

This Site Protected By International/USA Base Copyrights!
This Site all our internet rights protected !

Maniac's Foto Logo.jpg

In this site have ZERO tolerance to crime or deviant behaviours, we have an ironclad policy against such people and groups!

Maniacs Foto Solutions © 2019 - 2024

Maniac's Foto And Social Media Solutions
Original Music By Carlo R.

00:00 / 03:31

Broadband Internet access is required for the website (1920X1080 or UHD)

This Site not mobile friendly site !

This Site Monitoring the connections!

SEE THE AGB (Warnings) Page your rights!

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Music and Website Created by:


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